Saturday, August 6, 2011

The Riant Theatre : The Awards Ceremony & Performance for the Strawberry One-Act Festival

The Riant Theatre : The Awards Ceremony & Performance for the Strawberry One-Act Festival

The Awards Ceremony & Performance for the Strawberry One-Act Festival

The four best plays from the Finals will perform. Awards will be given to the Best Play, Best Director, Best Actress, Best Actor, Best Short Film & Best Strawberry Festival Theme Song.

Sunday, August 7, 2011 at 2:00 p.m.
Tickets: $27.00 online and $30.00 at the box office.

Best Play Nominations:

  1. WAIT AND SEE WHAT HAPPENS by Alison Costello
    Directed by Rob Drake
    Featuring: Rick Apicella, Matthew Breunig, Alison Costello, Elizabeth Morris
    What are the odds?
  2. PAID OFF by Robert D. Argen
    Directed by Robert D. Argen and Julia Frieri
    Featuring: Dennis Brito and James Fouhey
    ”Trust me, I’m a banker.” Wall Street and Main Street collide in this classroom drama about a banker’s struggle to prove his moral worth to his grieving former English teacher.
  3. UNEXPECTED COMPANY by Wendy Mae Shelton
    The dark side of sisterly love.
  4. MEN IN A BOTTLE by Joseph Lizardi
    Three men struggle to keep their jobs as the company tries to bust the Union.
Best Director Nominations:
Liz Amadio (Push)
John Doric (Against The Odds)
Rob Drake (Wait And See What Happens)
Jim Fagan (The Prenup)
Anthony Fusco & Reginald L. Douglas (Crossing Verrazano)
Meghan E. Jones (Unexpected Company)
Best Actor Nominations:
Rolls Andre (Marcus) in Mi Media Naranja
Matt Breunig (Josh) in Wait And See What Happens
Dennis Brito (Mr. Thomas) in Paid Off
Will Budnikov (Mikos) in It’s Greek To Me
Edward Camevale (Jay) in Men In A Bottle
Juson Williams (Jesse) in It’s Gonna Work Out Fine
Best Actress Nominations:
Belle Caplis (Angela) in Unexpected Company
Emma Charap (Eve) in Push
Elizabeth Morris (Clare) in Wait and See What Happens
Gloria Ranta (Ruby) in Butterfly
Jen Taber (Arlene) in Mi Media Naranja
Emmilea Wilson (Meredith) in IT
Best Short Film Nominations:

  1. ELLEN’S DIARY: A Short Film about the artists in Criminal Mischief
    Directed by Brian Torres

  2. Stoned to the Wall: About the Artists in Crossing Verrazano
    Directed by Leslie Ciccone

  3. Strange Faces in Familiar Places: A Look Into ALL THEY NEED IS LOVE
    Directed by Chris Zdyrski & Jennifer Marvel

  4. Rose and Arlene: A Songwriter takes the Stage
    Directed by Andrew Lewis
Best Theme Song Nominations:
  1. Walking in a Dream was made for The Strawberry One Act Festival Song Competition. Lyrics by Jennifer Marvel Music by Gary Storey

  2. Strawberry Festival by Shelley A. Bromberg

  3. Strawberry One-Act Is On written by Danny and John Passadino - performed by Sheilah Barksdale and Danny Passadino

  4. It's Strawberry Time written by Andrew Fridae and Daniel Brian Jones, with Josh Gulotta and help from Tony Dong

Sunday, August 7th at 2:00 pmPrice: $27.00

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